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bootstrap_moby bootstrap_p_moby
Example bootstrap results for the full Moby Dick data set
Vuong's test for non-nested models
conlnorm-class conlnorm conexp-class conexp conpl-class conpl conweibull-class conweibull disexp-class disexp dislnorm-class dislnorm displ-class displ dispois-class dispois
Heavy-tailed distributions
dist_cdf() dist_all_cdf(<conlnorm>) dist_all_cdf(<conexp>) dist_all_cdf(<conpl>) dist_all_cdf(<conweibull>) dist_all_cdf(<disexp>) dist_all_cdf(<dislnorm>) dist_all_cdf(<displ>) dist_all_cdf(<dispois>)
The cumulative distribution function (cdf)
dist_all_cdf() dist_data_cdf() dist_data_all_cdf()
The data cumulative distribution function
The log-likelihood function
The probability density function (pdf)
Random number generation for the distribution objects
dplcon() pplcon() rplcon()
The continuous power-law distribution
dpldis() ppldis() rpldis()
Discrete power-law distribution
Estimates the distributions using mle.
get_bootstrap_sims() bootstrap() get_bootstrap_p_sims() bootstrap_p() get_distance_statistic() estimate_xmin()
Estimating the lower bound (xmin)
Deprecated function
Sample size
Values greater than or equal to xmin
moby moby_sample
Moby Dick word count
native_american NativeAmerican USAmerican us_american
Casualties in the American Indian Wars (1776 and 1890)
lines(<distribution>) plot(<distribution>) points(<distribution>)
Generic plotting functions
plot(<bs_xmin>) plot(<bs_p_xmin>) plot(<compare_distributions>)
Plot methods for bootstrap objects
population Population
City boundaries and the universality of scaling laws
poweRlaw-package poweRlaw powerlaw powerlaw-package
The poweRlaw package
Generic show method for distribution objects
swiss_prot Swiss_prot
Word frequency in the Swiss-Prot database