poweRlaw 0.70.6
CRAN release: 2020-04-25
- Change
in vignettes.scrpage2
now obsolete. - Removed unused
poweRlaw 0.70.5
CRAN release: 2020-04-23
- Use
for calculatingzeta()
may be getting archived.
poweRlaw 0.70.4
CRAN release: 2020-04-07
- As v0.70.3, but README URL tweaked for CRAN (www. -> https://www.)
poweRlaw 0.70.3
- Fix typo in file name.
- Better handling of extreme data.
- Bug fix: Setting
seed = NULL
could lead to repeatable random numbers. This is now avoided. - Bug fix: Set correct lower bound for weibull optimiser
- Retrieve simulations via
functions. - Indicate when we have values of x larger than xmax.
poweRlaw 0.70.2
CRAN release: 2019-01-10
- Bug fix: Input and output of dpldis should be the same (thanks to @mpadge #73).
- Optimisation: Used the compressed data for ll calculations in lognormal (thanks to @maxbiostat #80).
poweRlaw 0.70.1
CRAN release: 2017-08-29
- Bug fix: Very rarely bootstrapping results in singular datasets.
poweRlaw 0.70.0
CRAN release: 2016-12-22
- Update documentation
- Bug fix: 1 sided p-value for Vuong’s.
- Now pass a matrix of parameters when estimating xmin (fixes #68). Used for lognormal distribution.
poweRlaw 0.60.0
CRAN release: 2016-03-31
- New distance argument for estimate_xmin and bootstrap functions. No longer limited to the KS distance measure.
- Better error handling in the bootstrap function. Fix for Thanks to @lsaravia for reporting.
- Added in the Weibull distribution. Fix for
poweRlaw 0.50.1 (not on CRAN)
- Bug fix: Export get_n in bootstrap_p. Fix for Thanks to @AnaCG for reporting.
poweRlaw 0.50.0
CRAN release: 2015-08-11
- Added get_ntail function which returns the number of points greater than or equal to xmin.
- Added get_n function which returns the sample size.
- Bug fix: bootstrap_p was incorrect for CTN models ( Thanks to @lsaravia for reporting and diagnosing the problem.
poweRlaw 0.40.0 (not on CRAN)
- Add ByteCompile flag. Testing suggests that bootstrapping is now around twice as fast.
- Added seed and package_# poweRlaw to the output of bootstrap and bootstrap_p.
- Added poisson random number generator.
poweRlaw 0.30.2
CRAN release: 2015-04-16
- Bug fix: Plotting the data cdf failed when data values were larger than
( Thanks to @LaurentFranckx
poweRlaw 0.30.1
CRAN release: 2015-03-13
- Bug fix: pdf and cdf functions should now handle values of q less than xmin in a sensible way (Thanks to Pierce Brooks)
poweRlaw 0.30.0
CRAN release: 2015-02-20
- New package title to satisfy CRAN
- A new xmax argument has been added to the bootstrap and estimate_xmin functions. This argument limits the search space when calculating the KS statistic.
- The all_values argument has been removed from dist_cdf. A new function dist_all_cdf has been created.
- Added random number generators for log normal and exponential functions (
- Added seed argument to bootstrap and bootstrap_p functions
- Added warning message to handle estimation in tail regions (
- Bug fix: Bootstrap edge cases ( @jkeirstead
poweRlaw 0.20.5
CRAN release: 2014-06-12
- Further changes to the tolerance in the test suite comparison (Solaris-sparc failed to build)
poweRlaw 0.20.4
- Added tolerance to test suite comparison (
failed to build) - Removed tufte vignette styles
poweRlaw 0.20.3
CRAN release: 2014-05-27
- Test suite now included in the package
- Improved numerical stability when working out discrete exp and log normal pdfs (
- Merged data_max and xmins argument in estimate_xmin function
- Added example on copying distribution objects (
- Added new vignette on comparing distributions (
- Bug fix: When estimating xmin is not possible (e.g. not enough data), estimate_xmin now returns NA rather than an error (
- Bug fix: When setting parameters in distributions, no longer a strict class comparison
- Bug fix: Error when the length of xmins is 1 in estimate_xmin ( Thanks to @linzhp
- Bug fix: Generating random numbers for the discrete power-law distribution wasn’t quite right for small x values. ( Thanks to @wrhaas.
poweRlaw 0.20.2
CRAN release: 2013-12-19
- Discrete power-law mle now uses L-BFGS-B optimiser by default
- Vignette source now included within the package
- Bug fix in lines methods
- Bug fix: use data_max argument in estimate_xmin ( Thanks to @pgoldberg.
poweRlaw 0.20.1
CRAN release: 2013-06-25
- Updated documentation
- Added swiss_prot data set
- Renamed NativeAmerican to native_american
- Renamed USAmerican to us_american
- Changed license to GPL-2 | GPL-3
poweRlaw 0.20.0
CRAN release: 2013-06-07
- Added discrete exponential function
- Added compare_distribution functions
- dist_pdf now have a log argument
- Updated documentation
- Bug fixes
poweRlaw 0.17.0
- Added discrete log normal, log normal and poisson distributions.
- Generic plot functions added for bootstrap output.
- Test suite.
- New examples vignette.
- Bug fixes
poweRlaw 0.16.1
- bootstrap_xmin now implements the procedure described in Clauset
- bootstrap_p estimates the p-value
poweRlaw 0.16.0
- Added dist_data_cdf_function
- Can now plot the entire data line and add distribution lines starting at xmin
- Added vignette
- Improved documentation
- Deprecated pl_data data class
poweRlaw 0.15.2
- Generating discrete random numbers took up too much memory. Reduced the threshold for switching to the CTN PL distribution.
poweRlaw 0.14.4
- No visible changes - preparing for future R # poweRlaws.
- Added discrete_xmax parameter to the discrete random number generator. This parameter controls where we change from using a (true) discrete random number generator to a CTN approximation.
poweRlaw 0.14.2
- Plots, lines and points functions now return the data using invisible
- Moved to parSapplyLB
- Added a bootstrap_moby data set.